School of Media and Communication所有课程截止日期为2月17日。
针对2020年9月入学的课程,学校决定于英国时间2月21日 23:59之后关闭以下三门来自中国大陆毕业学生的申请:
1. MA Cross Cultural Communication and International Relations
2. MA Cross Cultural Communication and Applied Linguistics
3. MA Cross Cultural Communication
1. MA in Design
2. MA in Fashion, Enterprise and Society
3. MA in Global Fashion Management
1. MSc in Communications and Signal Processing(Eng)
2. MSc in Digital Communications Network(Eng)
3. MSc in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems (Eng)
4. MSc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Eng)
5. MSc in Embedded Systems Engineering (Eng)
6. MSc in Engineering, Technology and Business Management (Eng)
7. MSc in Mechatronics and Robotics (Eng)
数学学院Statistics MSc于2月14日关闭申请。