农业、消费与环境科学学院(College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences)
应用健康科学学院(College of Applied Health Sciences)
商学院(College of Business)
教育学院(College of Education)
工程学院(College of Engineering)
美术与应用艺术学院(College of Fine and Applied Arts)
通识教育学部(Division of General Studies)
研究生院(Graduate College)
劳动关系学院(School of Labor and Employment Relations)
法学院(College of Law)
文理学院(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
图书馆与信息科学研究生院(Graduate School of Library and Information Science)
媒体学院(College of Media)
卡里-伊利诺伊医学院(Carle-Illinois College of Medicine)
社会工作学院(School of Social Work)
兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)